Throw on Your Sneakers, We’re Going Walkin’

Filed in From the Staff, Life at WPI by on September 29, 2015

Do you know when CDC Walk-In Hours are??


Hmmmm… I’m not sure… Saturday mornings?


Good try but here’s our hours!


Monday 10AM-1PM: Seniors and Graduate Students Only

Monday 1PM-4PM: First Year Students Only

Tuesday to Friday 10AM-4PM: All Students are Welcome!


If you come in for a walk-in, you automatically have a 15 minute meeting with a CDC staff member, about any topic that you’d like. These topics include: Cover Letters, Resume Critiques, Interview Tips, and many more! Stop by and get some valuable information for your career. See you there!




P.S.- Do you have questions about the CDC, its services, or anything career related? Ask the Peer Advisors! Gianna, Omesh, Kayla, Matt, and I are here to help. Every week, the Peer Advisors write blog posts and also submit an article to the Towers newspaper. Ask a question or suggest a topic for us to write about, and you could win a free t-shirt or some other cool CDC prize! Send suggestions and questions to

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