Getting Ready for an Interview

Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing by on March 6, 2015

Hey everyone!

So earlier this week I wrote a blog called “the job hunt blues.” Finding an internship/job is hard work and it can be discouraging when you’ve sent out tons of applications and haven’t heard anything back. But if you use the CDC resources, switch up you job hunting strategies, and keep at it, an interview will role in.

And that exactly what happened to me this week.

I had my interview today, and I thought I’d take you though the process of what I did to prepare for my interview in a timeline format. I think my interview went really well, now all I have left is to write the thank you letter and wait for (hopefully) good news.



Getting Ready for an Interview 

11:00 am – Ugh that orgo final was killer…BUT YAY! C-Term is OVER! Okay, focus. The day’s not done yet. Two and a half hours until my interview. Time to get ready. I’m gonna print out my resume and organize my questions. Wait where is the cover letter I wrote? Oh there it is. Let me find the job description. Found it! Oh cool! Hey, I know how use that software. Good.

11:15 am – I wonder if anyone from my school has worked there before? Let me check LinkedIn. Wow lots of people have. What have they done? Oh look! I know him. And he had the same position I’m applying for…maybe I’ll give him a quick call.

11:23 am – Call my friend: “Hey! I heard you worked at the same place I’m interviewing with today? Do you know the person who’s interviewing me? What was the interview like? Oh cool behavioral focused with a few technical questions. Nice. Did you like it there? What did you do? Thanks so much! Hey what did you think of that orgo final…?”

11:56 am – Okay time to focus. What do I have to do next? Hmmm I should probably outline why I want to work for the company and why I want the position. Why this company? Why this company? Well they have the type of area of chemical engineering I’m interested in. Let me look on their website…OH! They value collaboration. So does WPI. I can make a connection there. That’s why I came to WPI, the collaboration. And I like what my friend said about what he did. Cool I’ll add that in. Also look! They have an intern mentoring program. I wonder what that’s like. I can add that to my list of questions. Oh and they have a news page!? Lets see if there is anything there I can use…

12:15 pm – Wow time is flying. I should make a list of questions to ask. Where is my list of questions I asked in my last few interviews? Here they are. Some of these will work but I want to have some more original ones and ones specific to this company.

12:25 pm – Okay now lets look at some behavioral interview questions. “Tell me about yourself”…what did I say in my cover letter? And my elevator pitch? Okay that question doesn’t seem as daunting. I’ve got this. “Tell me about a time when…” My IQP experience is really helpful for this question. None of my roommates are around…I’m gonna practice these questions out loud.

12:40 pm – I’m saying “ummm” a lot. I should probably talk slower. And I’m putting in my whole life story into the answers of these questions, how can I make these answers more concise? It’s a good thing I practiced out loud.

1:00 pm – Snack break! I don’t want to be hungry while I’m talking. And I’d done my prep work. I’m feeling good about this! Yummm nothing beats the end of finals like a bowl full of pasta.

1:15 pm – Okay now its go time. Last minute check list. Resume/Cover letter? Check. Job description? Yup. Why I want this position/work at this company list? Got it. List of questions to ask after the interview? Yes! Looks like I’m all set…Now I’m going to grab a glass of water and wait.

1:17 pm – Listen to my favorite song. I always do this right before an interview to calm me down!

1:25 pm – Alright now I’m a little nervous. Five minutes is so long! The anticipation is killing me!

1:26 pm – I think time is moving slower. Is that possible? Do you want me to hyperventilate? No its okay Gianna, take deep breaths. You’re prepared and you are confident. You can do this.

1:27 pm – I am awesome, I’ve got this. Wait what’s my year again? A junior. Gosh calm down.

1:28 pm – … Two minutes seemed so short on my orgo test …

1:29 pm – Almost there.

1:30 pm – …

1:31 pm – *Sound of phone ringing* Take one last deep breath. Smile. You are confident, you have the skills to succeed at this job, you are a WPI student. You’ve got this. “Hi this is Gianna…”





About the Author ()

Hey everyone! My name is Gianna Terravecchia and I am currently a senior here at WPI majoring in Chemical Engineering. A few of my favorites include Italian food, ice cream, the color purple, and penguins. I am a Senior Peer Advisor here at the CDC and I am here to help you in any way I can!

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