Environmental Engineering
I’ve noticed a buzz on campus talking about picking a major, switching a major, or they just have no clue. I hope learning about my major choice may be able to give some insight. 🙂
Before coming to WPI I knew I wanted the ability to travel and spend as little time as possible in an office. I have always been interested in preserving the environment by allowing us to keep using some of the resources we do now such as water but being able to give back to the environment. Environmental Engineers have a lot of opportunities to work in the field, which hopefully I will have the chance to do. At WPI I have had the chance to take a range of classes, both in the civil engineering and chemical engineering, as well as others, which I love about the program!
If you are one of the people who aren’t sure yet, the CDC is always here to help. One way is through the Discovering Majors an Careers Class in B and C Term, or by making an appointment!