Experiencing the On-Site Interivew

Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing by on October 14, 2015

Hey Everyone!

Hope finals week is going well for all of you, I can’t believe A term ends tomorrow! Today I wanted to talk to you about on-site interviews as I am on a train, coming back from mine. I know I am crazy to be going on an on-site interview during finals week, especially since it was an overnight trip, but it was in New York City and I must admit, I had a fantastic time.

Below are some phases of an on-site interview that I went through:

Business Interview Skills.

1] Travel Arrangements – Every company takes care of travel differently, make sure you understand what is expected of you. This could be anything from calling a travel agency partnered with the company you are interviewing with to make arrangements, to finding your own method of transportation and getting reimbursed for it.

2] Preparation – It is very important that you prepare for this trip. Make sure you know the position very well, research the company, and connect those to your experiences. Companies are paying to bring you on-site which means they are already impressed with you, so come prepared and impress them some more!

3] Informal Social Event/Networking – Most companies usually have this built in some where in the agenda, whether it be the night before, the day of, or after rounds of interviews. This is chance for you to meet some of the other full-time employees, and hiring managers. Don’t be fooled, employers use this time to see how well you fit with the company environment, so make sure you are on your best behavior.


4] Day of Interviews – A major component of on-site visit involves getting interviewed by a variety of professionals, hiring managers, and HR. Be sure to treat each one as a separate interview, and don’t be worried about repeating similar answers, especially if the question is the same.

5] End of Visit – As you near the end of your on-site visit, make sure to thank the hosts and get contact information so you can write thank-you notes. Also, make sure to figure out the process of reimbursement so you are not personally paying for company-related expenses.

If you ever get a chance, make sure you do anything you possibly can to go to these on-site interviews. They are a great way to learn more about a company and overall, provide an amazing experience.

Thanks for reading and until B term,

– Omesh

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About the Author ()

Hi everyone! My name is Omesh Kamat and I am a senior at WPI, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I am also working towards getting minors in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science. I am a Senior Peer Advisor at the CDC and I am here to help you and provide you with awesome tips! If you have any questions or suggestions for topics, please feel free to contact me!

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