Share Echo360 videos in a Canvas Page

This blog post updated 1/10/24.   This post will show you how to embed an Echo360 video directly in a Canvas Page. You can use embedded videos in Pages to allow your students to experience your recorded lecture with the rest of the learning materials for that particular lesson (for example, in a Canvas Module)….Continue Reading Share Echo360 videos in a Canvas Page

Qualtrics Dashboard Changes Coming

Over the next couple of months Qualtrics will be updating the dashboard where you build your surveys. Here is a preview of what to expect (from the Qualtrics Support Website). About the New Survey Builder Qualtrics is releasing a new experience for editing your Qualtrics surveys. This new experience provides improvements for building surveys and…Continue Reading Qualtrics Dashboard Changes Coming

How to Edit Videos in Echo360 and Canvas Studio

This post was last updated on 1/22/2024.   I hate to break it to you, but some of your footage is going to end up on the cutting room floor. There comes a point in every video-creator’s life when they have to cut some footage. Some footage you might say good riddance to, other footage…Continue Reading How to Edit Videos in Echo360 and Canvas Studio

Live AI-Captioning Now Available for All Zoom Meetings!

As of 2/24/2021, we are now able to offer full AI-generated captions and transcripts for every Zoom meeting, for free!  Here’s how to enable captions on any meeting that you have Host-level access to. Click on the Live Transcript button within the Zoom meeting menu. Click on the Enable Auto-Transcription button. Zoom will begin to…Continue Reading Live AI-Captioning Now Available for All Zoom Meetings!

Creating Closed Captions with WPI’s Video Systems

The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination in the places of public accommodation – such as schools – and failing to transcribe or provide closed captions for your educational videos can be seen as a violation of the ADA. So transcripts and captions have legal significance. But beyond that, they help your students access your…Continue Reading Creating Closed Captions with WPI’s Video Systems

Using Flip (formerly Flipgrid) with Canvas

This post was updated 8/9/2023 with updated documentation and links. What is Flip? At its most basic, Flip is a video tool that allows teachers to post “Topics” that are essentially videos with some accompanying text. This is then shared with students, who can be prompted to respond. The response can be made using the…Continue Reading Using Flip (formerly Flipgrid) with Canvas

Sharing Echo360 link in Canvas Module

This post was updated 1/19/2024. Echo360 users can share their videos in Canvas in a variety of ways. This post explains how to share your video in a Canvas module as an External URL item and from the Echo360 App inside of Canvas. You can share a video in a Module from your Echo360 Library…Continue Reading Sharing Echo360 link in Canvas Module

C-Term 2021 Academic Technology News

Welcome back faculty and happy 2021! Hope you all had a restful break and were able to get away from screens for a while. The ATC team is here to help you get ready for another Zoom-filled Spring term. Please read our updates below and if you have any questions please email us at   TechFlex updates & support  C-Term Microphone & Classroom Tech Request …Continue Reading C-Term 2021 Academic Technology News

Echo360-Zoom Connection

The Echo360 – Zoom Connection Good news for Echo360 users: your Zoom cloud recordings can be ingested by Echo360 and placed in your personal libraries and course sites. Why is this good? For starters, it allows you to keep all your video content in one place. You don’t have to deal with multiple video storage…Continue Reading Echo360-Zoom Connection