Knowing You’re Not Alone in the Job Search is Comforting
This week was the last week of Sorority Recruitment at WPI. During one of the Rounds, our Recruitment Chair urged the freshmen to talk to our sisters about what we did off campus – activities, traveling, IQP, and what we do after college (some of our Alumni were there). She also said “and feel free to ask our seniors about what their plans are for after graduation”. What plans? That put me on edge a little bit because I don’t really have an answer for that question yet. But, as I looked around the room I realized that most of the seniors were in the same boat as me. In fact, only two of them know what they’re doing after graduation. And these were both girls that had internships within a huge company for the last summer or two and were now moving up into their rotational, leadership programs. Actually, the more I thought about it I realized they were the only two seniors I knew overall who had jobs. Sure, a number of people have had interviews, but for the most part we’re all still looking. So if you’re stressed about finding a job, just try to relax a little in realizing that you’re not alone.