Archive for October, 2011

Undecided About Your Major?

Filed in From the Staff by on October 28, 2011 0 Comments

Almost one week of B-term is over! My first term at WPI ended well and It was nice to come back after break and start fresh with new classes. This term I’m taking RBE1001. I had debated majoring in ME or RBE but was strongly considering ME when I started A-term. Now I’m not so […]

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On Campus Recruiting

Filed in From the Staff by on October 26, 2011 0 Comments

If you are looking for a summer internship or full time job it is a good idea to start looking now. The Career Development Center helps us by bringing many companies right to our campus! These companies come as part of our on campus recruiting. At their workshops they tell WPI students about what their […]

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Welcome back!

Filed in From the Staff by on October 26, 2011 0 Comments

Hello Again! We’re at the start of a new term, which means we have a little more time on our plate to look into finding a job for the summer, whether it is full-time or an internship. In case you didn’t capitalize on your free time over break, now is the time to look more […]

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Final day of A term

Filed in From the Staff by on October 13, 2011 0 Comments

A bittersweet farewell to A term, Here it is, the final day of the term. I know we all get excited to have a break after a really tough week, or 7, but don’t forget about your job search. In fact, this is a great time to look more in depth at companies you are interested in. […]

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Leaving to South Africa

Filed in From the Staff by on October 10, 2011 0 Comments

The term is quickly coming to an end and my departure will be a little longer than most. Next term I am going to Cape Town, South Africa. As you could imagine, I am quite excited, but my role as a Peer Advisor will be put on hold until C term. While away, I also […]

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One more week…

Filed in From the Staff by on October 6, 2011 0 Comments

There’s one week left in A-term 2011! Everyone has a lot to do before the end of term. This is my first term at WPI. I’ve been getting used to classes, a job at the Career Development Center, and college in general. The term was very busy at the CDC. There was Building Blocks to […]

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Environmental Engineering

Filed in From the Staff by on October 6, 2011 0 Comments

I’ve noticed a buzz on campus talking about picking a major, switching a major, or they just have no clue. I hope learning about my major choice may be able to give some insight. 🙂 Before coming to WPI I knew I wanted the ability to travel and spend as little time as possible in […]

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Discovering my Major

Filed in From the Staff by on October 5, 2011 0 Comments

Choosing what you are going to do for the rest of your life as you enter in college can be a little bit terrifying. I’ve been shaping my major as I continue figure out what I enjoy in college. I began wanting to do environmental engineering and helping the earth, but that quickly changed. Environmental […]

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