About My Interview

Filed in Interviewing by on November 17, 2011

As I said in my last post, I did all the right research on the company and made sure I was prepared for my interview day of.

I went to the CDC 10 minutes before my interview was supposed to start, because it is better to wait than to be late. Soon enough it was time for my interview to start.

I think my interview went very well. Since I felt prepared I was less nervous and felt more comfortable.

As soon as I could after my interview I used the resources on Job Finder in the “podcasts and handouts section” to help me write a thank you email to my interviewer. In my email, I touched upon some things we talked about in the interview and restated my excitement and interest in the position.

Then the dreaded wait came. I had asked in the interview what the timeline for the future would look like and she said that I would hear within a week. Little did I know within a week meant, the next day, when I got an email saying that I got the offer!

I am using the time over Thanksgiving break to look at the job offer and decide whether or not I would like to accept it.

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