Job Offer

Filed in From the Staff by on February 7, 2012

Two weeks ago I received an offer from a company I worked for last summer. Although I was excited, I had also been considering other companies so I was unsure what to do. It was not because I didn’t like the organization, but because I wanted to have a variety of experiences before deciding a full time job when I graduated. Completely baffled, I simply asked for advice from the CDC.

We then went through the pros and cons of other internships. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to stay with the company for multiple reasons: the part of the company I was working in was rather new, therefore I had more responsibility and an input on design projects, things I wouldn’t necessarily have at another company. Plus I liked the company and it was in the Boston area, which is somewhere I wanted to end up. Thus I accepted the offer! My hunt is over and now have a job for the summer!


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