Some Mid-Summer Job/Internship Tips

Filed in Finding a Job, Networking by on July 30, 2014

Hey Everyone!

I want to thank you all for an awesome first term as a Peer Advisor at the WPI CDC! I really enjoyed sharing my stories with you and I am looking forward to sharing with you my summer adventures in the fall.

I hope everyone is enjoying their new jobs and internships! Or good luck I to everyone starting a new job soon. I know you are going to do great!

Here are some mid-summer jobĀ tips! And interns, just think, if you do a really good job the company may hire you back for another year as an intern, or may even want to keep you on as a full time employee!!

1.) Remain Professional – First impressions are important in the business world. Dressing up and acting professional for the interview and for the first few weeks of a new job is a must, but be sure that as you get comfortable with the position, you continue to act professional. Taking your job seriously, especially as an intern, could make you stand out and EVEN land you another summer with the company. Or maybe a full time job.

2.) Network – Just because you have a job does not mean that you don’t need to network anymore. Having a job will actually allow you to network MORE. Talk to your coworkers, learn a little bit about their work history! Many of them will probably have had many jobs at different companies and have contacts there (maybe even at your dream company).

3.) Ask Questions – This is very important! No one starting a new job is going to know everything, and you may even go into a new job knowing nothing (speaking from experience). By asking questions, it shows your boss that you are engaged and you want to SUCCEED. And for me, it gives me reassurance that I’m completing the task in the right direction.

I can’t believe it’s almost August! I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall!

Until next time,



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About the Author ()

Hey everyone! My name is Gianna Terravecchia and I am currently a senior here at WPI majoring in Chemical Engineering. A few of my favorites include Italian food, ice cream, the color purple, and penguins. I am a Senior Peer Advisor here at the CDC and I am here to help you in any way I can!

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