The Time Is Now…

Filed in Career Fair, Life at WPI by on September 22, 2015

The time is now… right?

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I don’t have a watch that looks like that.. but if I did, I would be even more stressed and probably be late a lot.

But let’s not be so literal.

What I mean is, don’t let procrastination get the best of you during these busy weeks – especially with midterms, and even finals, just around the corner. A lot of times, I end up procrastinating because I get too stressed. If I have 12 important things to do in one night, and get overwhelmed and disorganized, I probably won’t do any of them. This actually happened to me just yesterday.

Tonight, I’m ready to tackle these tasks. I made a list of exactly what I want to get done tonight and what order I should do it in. I even added in some time to eat dinner! I’m trying hard to make sure my job applications aren’t falling on a back burner. Application and recruitment times are often short windows of opportunity – and they are definitely opportunities I can’t afford to miss!

If you’re having similar problems with being too overwhelmed, I suggest that you spend some time organizing yourself. Even though it’s just another thing on the to-do list, being organized will help you get everything else done without getting too stressed! Don’t forget to plan time for food- you won’t perform well if you’re “hangry” either!

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Good luck and until next time..


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