Archive for September, 2015
T-Minus 156 Hours Until the Career Fair
Hey Everyone, Thanks to all those who attended the Resume & Career Fair Tips workshop that Gianna and I presented last night. It was my first workshop and I’m really happy with how it went, hopefully you guys learned some tricks on how to prepare for the upcoming Career Fair and on how to improve […]
Career Fair, Deadlines, and Coffee

The Fall Career Fair is only 8 short days away! My countdown has begun, and the stress is piling on. I need to start going through Job Finder and determining which companies will be hiring Actuarial students… I looked quickly last week and there were applications already posted! I’m planning to go to the RESUMAZING […]
Back to school… back to school…
Hello again, After an amazing summer, it was hard to come back to WPI but now that I am here, I just can’t wait to use my newly learned skills to become a better student and Peer Advisor! This summer I was fortunate enough to travel to the West Coast to do Systems Engineering […]
Hope You Had a Great Summer!
Welcome back and welcome class of 2019! To reintroduce myself: I’m Jacky, one of the Peer Advisors here at the CDC. This is my junior year and I’m a double major in Management and Economics – so for any students taking Intro Econ classes you might end up participating in my lab experiments for extra […]
Welcome Back!
Hello all! I hope you enjoyed your summer. I spent mine studying for my first actuarial exam (of many) and working at an insurance company just down the street . Fortunately, I was able to pass my exam and also had a great work experience. I learned SO much about the insurance industry, and especially […]