Introduction from a new Peer Advisor

Filed in From the Staff by on May 1, 2017

Hi everyone!

My name is Van Harting and I’m another one of the new PAs at the CDC.  I’m a rising sophomore majoring in Aerospace Engineering on the Astronautical track (I might pick up a minor or two—remains to be seen). I’m from Plymouth MA (yes, the one with the Pilgrims), and both of my parents are independent photographers. On campus, I’m involved with Engineers Without Borders, Running Club, and work as a tour guide for admissions. Outside of school, I like playing guitar, hiking, and am an avid Boston sports fan.

I’m looking forward to helping my fellow goats throughout the major selection and job/internship search processes. I came to school last fall completely undecided, so I understand what it’s like to feel uncertain about your major, and hope I can use my experiences to help others who are unsure of their choice or don’t even know where to begin. I also firmly believe that landing a job or internship isn’t hard; it just takes some persistence. The CDC has the resources and guidance to help you with every step of the process, and if you’re willing to make the effort you can certainly find something. As Peer Advisors, we’re here to help you take advantage of these services and maximize your time here at WPI. Over the past year, I’ve done a lot to develop my communication and networking skills, and want to help others do the same.

This summer I’m looking forward to time with family and friends and a backpacking trip to Shenandoah National Park, in between an internship with an engineering company close to home. I hope everyone has the chance to relax from school and do something enjoyable or productive and I’ll see you in the fall.


About the Author ()

I'm a sophomore double majoring in Robotics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from Plymouth, MA. As a Peer Advisor for the Career Development Center, I'm excited to use my experiences to help others throughout the major selection/career search processes. On campus I'm also involved in Engineers Without Borders, Crimson Key, and Running Club. Outside of school, I enjoy playing guitar, hiking, and following baseball.

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