Keeping Communication Until The Next Round

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 15, 2013

The thought’s always on a student’s mind when he/she really wants that one internship or full-time position: “When should I follow up?”

Furthermore, HOW should I follow up?”

While there are different answers to this question, here are a few steps that I have taken in the past, which have proven to be particularly helpful:

First and Most Important Step: get the contact information of an individual or two, not just the careers page link.  You won’t be able to advocate for yourself through an online portal nearly as well as to an employee at the company!

The Tone:  treat them like a colleague, in the sense that employers will appreciate consistent, but not overbearing, communication between the next interview, networking event, etc.

Be Appreciative: write athank you e-mail right after the interview or event, with a comment on something you really like about the company, and lastly, a question about the next best time for you to

follow up with them on the opportunity.

The “Down Time:” help yourself out and do some research into the position you want, as well as similar ones, on their careers page, or through WPI’s Archived Job Postings feature in JobFinder (Once logged in, choose the Employers tab – click the specific employer – look at the Archived postings).  It also helps to brush up on the company’s products/services, their mission, and their culture.

If Their Suggested Timespan Is Long: Send an e-mail to your contact halfway until the next in-person interaction – they’ll remember your continued interest in the company, and who knows?  Maybe the timeframe’s changed since you last spoke!

Following the Interview or Event: at the end, send them a handwritten note and dish out for a postage stamp!  It’s a lost art form today, and it will sit on their desk instead of in their overflowing Inbox.

I’m available by e-mail at over break, should you have any Career-related questions!

Until next time,

P.S.  Look out for Career Development Center posts and events for B Term in order to help refine your networking skills, as well as speak to employers on campus!

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About the Author ()

Hey there! My name's Adam and I'm currently a senior at WPI majoring in Management Engineering, focus in Operations Management. On campus I'm involved in Greek Life, Undergraduate Admissions, and campus programming. My blog topics will be focused primarily on staying focused and realistic when it comes to career building, as well as personal improvements and confidence builders in knowing yourself and your skill set. If you have any suggestions for topics or improvements along the way, feel free to let me know at any point! Keep searching, Adam

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