Tag: Thank you notes

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Filed in Career Fair by on September 28, 2014 0 Comments
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Hey Everyone!! I hope all of you had a fantastic time at the Fall Career Fair, I know I did! Hopefully you read my last blog and so now you are prepared and have business cards for all employers you met with. If you didn’t grab business cards, forgot, or the employers didn’t hand them […]

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I Got 190 Problems but Finding A Job Ain’t One

Filed in Career Fair, Networking by on September 18, 2014

On a scale from 1 to Wow, the career fair yesterday was wow .With over 190 Companies finding a job, co-op and internship opportunities became significantly easier. It seemed like every student had a chance to work the career fair and create a relationship with employers. I personal created a short and precise list of […]

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LinkedIn Trouble? Me Too!!

Filed in Finding a Job by on April 7, 2014 0 Comments

Happy Monday Everyone!!!! Ugh last week was SOOO busy! I swear these terms go by so fast, its already three weeks in and next week is midterms week. Where does the time go??? So last week I went to the Career Fair and had an AWESOME conversation with a recruiter for a company I am very interested […]

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Thank YOU, Employers!

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on February 28, 2014 0 Comments
Thank YOU, Employers!

The Career Fair has come and gone, and I’m sure you’re waiting and anticipating those call backs from employers. Don’t be a sitting duck. Be proactive and contact them!   I’ve drafted a thank you email for each company that I talked to at the Career Fair, thanking them for their time and for speaking […]

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School and Careers

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on February 19, 2014 0 Comments
School and Careers

We’re knee deep in the snow, clenching our fists at professors who’ve given us difficult midterms, and we’re waiting for the employers to come and save us. For some of us this has become a routine that we regretfully can’t really get out of. We go to school to get a job, that’s a fact […]

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The Search is Over : GE 2014

Filed in Finding a Job by on November 22, 2013 0 Comments
The Search is Over : GE 2014

Greetings everyone, About three weeks ago, I received some great news from General Electric. GE extended me an offer to work for them in the upcoming Summer of 2014 as an EID Intern! How awesome  is that! After giving it some thought, exploring my options, and talking to my friends and family, I decided to accept the […]

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Keeping Communication Until The Next Round

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 15, 2013 0 Comments
Keeping Communication Until The Next Round

The thought’s always on a student’s mind when he/she really wants that one internship or full-time position: “When should I follow up?” Furthermore, “HOW should I follow up?” While there are different answers to this question, here are a few steps that I have taken in the past, which have proven to be particularly helpful: […]

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Thank you, Gracias, Xie Xie

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on September 25, 2013 0 Comments
Thank you, Gracias, Xie Xie

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! In the regular world only one thing means the same thing in every language and that’s a smile. In the business world one thing that means the same thing is a thank you letter. It’s about a week after the career fair so (If you haven’t already, please) come into the Career Development Center […]

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Career Fair [✓]

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on September 20, 2013 0 Comments
Career Fair [✓]

  Hi Everybody ! Glad to have attended the career fair? Well I am ! I had the chance to meet a lot of company representatives and find out about the awesome opportunities that are available. So what now? I’ll be crossing my fingers and hoping  I receive an invitation for an interview. Meanwhile, I’ll be doing the following things […]

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Filed in Finding a Job by on September 20, 2013 0 Comments

Hello Everyone, Career Fair is Over! Midterms are Over! Now we can get back on track with our lives, we’re done. Not so fast… Unfortunately tests will never be over, and job searches are just beginning. First, remember to send out thank you notes to everyone you met during the career fair, if you need […]

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