Does your major align with your interests?

Filed in From the Staff by on November 2, 2011


Back in A term I completed the Strong Interest Inventory test that can be taken by appointment at the CDC. It’s a simple multiple-choice test that asks you various questions and evaluated the types of things you enjoy and the careers that may be a good fit for you. My results came in and I made an appointment to discuss them with one of the counselors. I was a little nervous because I was afraid that my results were going to tell me that I actually should have majored in something different, but the results actually spot on with my current career plans. In addition to the ones that specifically catered to my major, such as Operations Manager and Purchasing Agent, were things that I hadn’t considered before. These would be jobs that typically cater to a normal Management degree and could take me anywhere. For these jobs I would be focusing on typical management responsibility in a company.
I went through each page of the results with the counselor and she made sure that I had a good grasp on the material. I highly recommend others to complete this as well, especially if you are still looking for the right major!

About the Author ()

Hello everyone! My name is Ally Bernard and I am from Spencer, Ma. I am a senior Management Engineering major with an Operations Management concentration. In addition to being a Peer Advisor at the CDC, I am involved in my sorority, Alpha Gamma Delta, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the Student Alumni Society, and the 2012 Class Board. I’ll be sharing my jobs search with you with year, including the many things you need to do in preparation.

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