Omesh Kamat
Hi everyone! My name is Omesh Kamat and I am a senior at WPI, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I am also working towards getting minors in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science. I am a Senior Peer Advisor at the CDC and I am here to help you and provide you with awesome tips! If you have any questions or suggestions for topics, please feel free to contact me!
Omesh Kamat's Latest Posts
Utilizing Multiple Resources

Hey Everyone! I hope finals went well for all of you! Today I wanted to talk about some cool CDC resources you might not have known about and how you can combine multiple resources to your benefit. This is actually a little funny, but I didn’t know about some of these resources either, even thought […]
Take Your Resume to the Next Level

Hey Everyone! I hope you are all having a fantastic C term so far. We only have 3 more weeks until the Spring Career Fair, so I wanted to bring up the topic of resumes. Resume is a single page document which can secure interviews for you with potential employers. Your resume should reflect who you […]
Holidays are the BEST!

Hey Everyone! I hope all of you are having a fantastic B term! I know it is probably stressful right now especially with finals coming up, but don’t forget that in 1 week, you will be FREE…from school work. Holidays are the best because it is a perfect time to relax, hang out with friends, […]
Experiencing the On-Site Interivew

Hey Everyone! Hope finals week is going well for all of you, I can’t believe A term ends tomorrow! Today I wanted to talk to you about on-site interviews as I am on a train, coming back from mine. I know I am crazy to be going on an on-site interview during finals week, especially […]
Interviewing Part 1: OCI

Hey Everyone! You may have heard the term OCI many times and probably always wondered what that is? I don’t blame you, WPI has so many acronyms that we even have a website for it. It takes a while to remember a lot of them, but OCI is pretty important because it stands for On-Campus […]
Say WHAT?!?!

Hey Everyone! This week, Residential Services is teaming up with International Student Services, Career Development Center, Academic Resources Center, and the IGSD office for an awesome campus-wide event called “Say What?!”. We, the CDC Peer Advisors, will be there at the event and we will be helping educate all of you on elevator pitches. We […]
Senior Year, Here I Come!

Hey Everyone! I can’t believe that senior year has started already…for here on out, it is just a series of all the last things to do before graduating (last A term, last career fair, etc.). This term could not have hit me any harder; MQP and hard grad classes, on campus jobs, and clubs and […]
Having a Successful Summer Internship

Hey Everyone, In one week, you will be free for the summer, not bound by any academics for almost three whole months (unless you are taking summer classes). Most of you already have an internship lined up for this summer, and if you are like me, you are probably nervous about what to expect, especially […]
Transitioning to the Real World!
Hey Everyone! I hope you enjoying this nice 3 – day week. Today I wanted give you some details about the workshop I attended last week, it was called Transitioning to the Real World. It was really for seniors who are about to graduate and go out to the real world on their own, but […]
Worried that it is Too Late to Land an Internship? Well, Think Again!

Hey Everyone, Happy job hunting!! I just wanted to let all of you know about an awesome opportunity that came across me and probably the rest of you, the Worcester Region Career Fair! You can find all related information here: Worcester Career Fair This is the perfect chance for all of you still searching for an […]