Assessing the Prospects of the Integration of Mobile Device Applications in the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Educational Framework

Title: Assessing the Prospects of the Integration of Mobile Device Applications in the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Educational Framework
Sponsor: Social Studies of Science and Technology
Sponsor Liaison: Juliette Fritsch, Melissa Bentley and Mark Hook
Student Team: Brent Duoba, Nicolas Gardiner, Jessica Shelsky, and Edward Spofford
Abstract: The Victoria and Albert Museum desired research regarding the concept of enhancing education through technology and the usefulness of handheld device applications in a museum setting. Previous studies suggested that mobile device applications enhanced learning. Our team used this research, surveys, and an educational benefit analysis and determined the effectiveness of the technology in educating visitors and their feelings on it. Our analyses demonstrated that participants’ learning improved and they felt inclined towards expanding the technology throughout the museum.