Archive for November, 2010

Jobs and Grad School

Filed in From the Staff by on November 30, 2010 0 Comments

Thanksgiving break was a much needed time off to just stop, and breathe. Even though the drive back to my home was way too long and even though I had a ton of school assignments to do, it was still amazing. The work that needed to be done didn’t seem too bad when doing it in […]

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Thanksgiving is a time for Turkey…and playing catch up.

Filed in From the Staff by on November 23, 2010 0 Comments

I have to say. I’m excited for Thanksgiving break for a few reasons. First, I get to see family and friends. This is the first big event since the summer that all of my family gets together and all of my friends are back in town. I’ve missed everyone a lot while at school so […]

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How do you handle stress?

Filed in From the Staff by on November 17, 2010 0 Comments

As we all know WPI, or as a matter of fact any college, is the zone for stress. Some people handle stress really well. Stress drives them to work even better, however some people fall in another category. In this category, stress does not drive people. Instead, it makes them freeze or run away from […]

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Knowing You’re Not Alone in the Job Search is Comforting

Filed in From the Staff by on November 15, 2010 0 Comments

This week was the last week of Sorority Recruitment at WPI. During one of the Rounds, our Recruitment Chair urged the freshmen to talk to our sisters about what we did off campus – activities, traveling, IQP, and what we do after college (some of our Alumni were there). She also said “and feel free […]

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Energy Panel- A wealth of information and insight

Filed in Finding a Job by on November 12, 2010 0 Comments

Hi all, I had a chance to attend the energy panel on wednesday and oh boy! it turned out to be a treat. There were 3 panelists from very different work areas and very different backgrounds. We had a  graduate each from the ’80s, 90’s and 2000’s. The mix was perfect to get a broader perspective […]

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Right here, right now- On-Campus Recruiting

Filed in Interviewing by on November 5, 2010 0 Comments

Hey Guys, Last term, I had the opportunity to interview with Exxon Mobil right here on-campus. It was a unique experience considering I was applying for a job that was open somewhere in Texas. It made me appreciate the resources provided to us by the CDC. I personally think that on-campus recruiting is a great […]

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