My last post.

Filed in From the Staff by on April 26, 2011

It’s hard to believe that I only have one week of college left. Time really flew by. It’s funny to look back on the last four years – It’s a combination of good  times with friends and sleepless nights in a computer lab somewhere on campus..and it’s weird but I can’t really can’t recall any down time.

Life here really is chaotic and that’s definitely what my last week  is going to be like. I’m not lucky enough to be one of those seniors who gets to just relax and enjoy the end of school – I’m going to be working to the very end. I can’t wait to finally submit my MQP and turn in my last assignments and take my finals so I can finally be done.

And then comes senior week. 🙂 They really did a good job in planning fun events for the senior class – there’s a booze cruise, red sox game, comedy show in Boston and more. I’m really looking forward to finally relaxing and celebrating with my friends.

And then I get to relax. I have one whole month off between graduation and when I start work. And I’m so excited to do nothing. To have no work on my plate. Literally zero. It’s going to be amazing. I’m finally going to take the time to just enjoy relaxing – I think I’m going to read a book, go to the gym, watch a movie, see friends – all of the things that I want to be a part of my life that I just haven’t had time for in the last few weeks (or even months). And hey – maybe I’ll try something new too. I think I may even take up scuba diving. 🙂

I have to admit. I’m not where I thought out would be a few years ago..or even one year ago. I always figured I’d be so passionate about what I was doing and I would have a great job doing something related to Biomedical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering and I’d be moving somewhere to go follow my dreams..or something like that. But that’s not how it turned out for me. This year my classes didn’t really make me as happy as I thought they would and my MQP definitely wasn’t what I had been looking forward to so I decided to try something different. I’m now going to be taking a completely different job doing a leadership program in Business Management. This wasn’t a part of my plan so it’s kind of scary to pick a new path, but for me, this one seems like a good position with a lot of awesome opportunities. And hey – life would be pretty boring if I had everything figured out already. I’m going to stop stressing about how everything is supposed to happen and just relax for once. I’ll take life one step at a time and see what feels right when I get there. I’m excited to see what comes next. 🙂

About the Author ()

Hi everyone! My name is Kelly and I'm from Andover, MA. I'm a senior in Mechanical Engineering, and it's my second year as a Peer Advisor for WPI's Career Development Center. I'm also in one of the sororities on campus, Phi Sigma Sigma, and a part of EPICS (Engineering Projects In Community Service). I'm going to be keeping you updated on my senior year and what I'm doing to figure out my life after college (jobs, grad school, etc). Enjoy!

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