The Next Step Forward: Thoughts About Business Graduate School

Filed in From the Staff by on February 11, 2013

Graduate school is a big effort, but one that pays off, especially when completed at a young age!

“I think I’m going to go to grad school right after WPI.  Why not get it all done at once?”

To some, this kind of statement seems pretty sweet – especially with the five-year programs that WPI offers, and particularly because having a student mentality makes ‘getting it all done now’ seem like the most efficient option.

I’m going to argue the opposite.

In moving forward after undergraduate years, students have the chance to try out new work experiences that will help develop their skill set in ways that graduate school won’t foster.  It also generates opportunity to make back some of the money that most students put into their college years, giving them an initial financial foundation.  Lastly, graduate school programs, especially in the School of Business in which I intend to continue, are most relevant and valuable once students have absorbed enough real-life work scenarios to then apply what they learn directly to the workplace.

Business graduate school is often one to two courses per week, with homework assignments to accommodate.

Granted, every student is different.  Don’t take this, or any blog for that matter, as a go-to source of direction!  This is the stance I have taken as someone who hopes to gain an MBA and higher degrees in future years, but also hopes that reimbursement programs are still available by the time I hit the workplace.

In moving forward with your personal decision, consider talking to a Career Development Center counselor about the available resources and options you have.  Their services are quality, helpful, and FREE!  You can also look on JobFinder’s Events Tab for upcoming sessions related to graduate school, talk to faculty in your department about the options you are considering, or ask the CDC student staff about the available print-outs and readings in our department related to graduate school.

Feel free to contact me at for more in-depth advice!

ALSO: check out how to find a job near your hometown and the advantage of CDC walk-in appointments in your spare time!

Until next time,



About the Author ()

Hey there! My name's Adam and I'm currently a senior at WPI majoring in Management Engineering, focus in Operations Management. On campus I'm involved in Greek Life, Undergraduate Admissions, and campus programming. My blog topics will be focused primarily on staying focused and realistic when it comes to career building, as well as personal improvements and confidence builders in knowing yourself and your skill set. If you have any suggestions for topics or improvements along the way, feel free to let me know at any point! Keep searching, Adam

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