Free time??????? What to do with it?

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 3, 2013


So like it’s pretty deep into A term. Some people are drowning in work, floating around in free time or somewhere in between.

I know where I am and I know where I should be….. Get this… They’re not the same place. I am thinking I will kick it into high gear and start drowning in work and start making major progress on things… soon q=]

Anyway for people actually drowning in work, it may be super helpful to drop some activity or something that is really keeping you. What always helps me is prioritizing things and then quitting some of the lower priority things. That may help you deal with the stress
OR you could stop reading here and get back to work q=].

for people some where in between.. Keep doing what you’re doing. It sounds like you got a pretty good handle on things. So Yay, you rock!

As for the people floating in free time! You guys are awesome! That means there is so much opportunity to get cool experience. One of my buddies and I always get bored, and say hey let’s search the through the posts on Job finder… (I guess there are cooler things to do with free time but Job finder is def on the top 5 list of cool things to do with free time).

The CDC's JobFinder is like WPI's own "," except it's solely for WPI students.

The CDC’s JobFinder is like WPI’s own “,” except it’s solely for WPI students.

So this time around, we search through the Academic Year Internships for ECE. We saw tons of opportunities that all sounded like a really cool way to spend some free time. Most of the posts said something like 10 maybe 20 hours a week. They were like super flexible and could be over the weekend too. The sweetest part is they are paid too!

So my buddy said cool, I am going to apply! He uploaded his newest resume to job finder, went to the job post, clicked apply. The very next day, he gets an email saying that the company wants to interview him!

If you have free time and you want something to do, I strongly suggest checking out the jobs on job finder. Not all the posts are for full time or summer internships. There are great opportunities for part time work, academic year internships and even co-ops if you really have free time and space.

I think these opportunities are sweet ways to collect some cash and build your resume. Of course if you find that dream job post then you’ll probably land a sweet interview. Sebastian can help you with interviews.

Anyway in closing, don’t spend your free time picking up dust when you can spend your free time picking up experience and cash; check out Job finder today!

Thanks for stoppin’ by
– Sam

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About the Author ()

Sam Francois! WPI 2014. BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I love free stuff! I like my smiley faces wearing hats. q=] (how cool is that?). That's enough for now. If you want to know more, you'll have to check out my blogs! Stay tuned!

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