That’s All Folks

Filed in Life at WPI by on May 9, 2014


I had to pause for a minute and check these:

May 6th, 2014 That was the last day of classes
May 17th 2014 That’s when my graduation commencement ceremony is
and now
May 9th 2014… This marks my last day working at the Career Development Center…

Finishing school, that’s fine, missing college, that doesn’t sound like me… not working at the Career Development Center…..

Now that’s a big change for me.

I have worked at the CDC longer than I have taken classes at WPI. My front desk position at the CDC was my first actual job ever. It is has to be some form of irony to think that my first job was a job at the place that helps you find jobs. My experience at the CDC has been super unique and definitely something I will miss from college. I am really big on giving back so I will do whatever I can to attend events like career fairs and alumni panels for the CDC.

Although I am a bit sad about no longer being a part of the CDC I cant help but be excited to start things in the real world. My summer internship experiences have been exponentially more enjoyable than my classroom experiences. I cant wait to see what the future holds. I am really excited about potentially being a part of the CDC through on campus interviews, company information sessions and of course career fairs!

If I do get to those events as I plan (but we all know me and planning), please stop by and say hi! Just because school is over, that doesn’t mean friendships need to be q=]

Thanks for stoppin’ by this one last time.

I am also really looking forward to seeing and hearing about all the awesome things from the current Peer Advisors, Sebastian, Ahmad, Emily, Gianna and Omesh!

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About the Author ()

Sam Francois! WPI 2014. BS in Electrical & Computer Engineering. I love free stuff! I like my smiley faces wearing hats. q=] (how cool is that?). That's enough for now. If you want to know more, you'll have to check out my blogs! Stay tuned!

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