Career Fair [✓]

Filed in Career Fair, Finding a Job by on September 20, 2013


Hi Everybody !

Glad to have attended the career fair? Well I am ! I had the chance to meet a lot of company representatives and find out about the awesome opportunities that are available.

So what now? I’ll be crossing my fingers and hoping  I receive an invitation for an interview.

Meanwhile, I’ll be doing the following things to stay on top of my game:

I will be sending thank you notes to all the company representatives I talked to. Follow up is really important in the business world and thank you notes are a good way to show that.

* If you need help writing thank you notes, you should definitely attend this workshop: Thank You Note Writing, Monday, 9/23/2013, 5:00 PM-6:00 PM, Salisbury Laboratories, 402

I will continue to apply for internships through Job Finder ! Companies are constantly posting jobs/internships on Job Finder and you could be the perfect fit for the position they are looking to fulfill.

Lastly, I will keep attending company info sessions. Info sessions are a great way to learn more about the company and ask recruiters those questions that you didn’t have time for at the career fair.

That’s all I have for now, hope you guys had a great experience at the Career Fair !

Until the next time,





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About the Author ()

Sebastian Vergara, WPI 2015. B.S. in Industrial Engineering. Hello everybody ! I'll keep it nice and simple, I'm a peer advisor at the CDC (Career Development Center) and I'm here to help you. Check out my blogs for helpful tips and suggestions.

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