Broaden Your Horizons

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 3, 2013

This past week I’ve witnessed so many of my friends receiving letters, emails, and phone calls about an interview and I am so happy for all of them!! I was even talking to one of my friends when he suddenly received a phone call from Kansas…Random, right? It ended up being a company that asked him if he had time for a phone interview and he was interviewed right there on the spot!

When I first started looking into internships freshman year I was so picky as to what I wanted to do and where. I didn’t want to leave home.


Worcester Rhode Island or Worcester? Decisions, decisions!!


I was so accustomed to little Rhode Island and I didn’t want to spend my summer anywhere else. That is, until I received a job offer from a company located right here in Worcester. Thirty people were battling for two spots, so naturally I felt discouraged before my interview. When I found out I got the job I was so excited. I couldn’t believe it! I would be spending the summer researching ovarian cancer. WHAT?!

Everything started falling into place after that. I had just gotten my apartment but thought I would be living alone all summer. My friend said he would be interested in subletting and turned into my roommate for the summer! I would be taking a summer class and working at my internship, all here in Worcester. Although it wasn’t my ideal plan for the summer, it was a step in the right direction. I’ve learned that you need to take advantage of the opportunities that come to you. Don’t let them pass by!!! You’re only in college for so long and can try so many different things. So here’s my advice: Gain experience. Learn. Live life and make the most of your time in college, especially here in Worcester. Be optimistic and look at everything in a different light. Things don’t always go as you plan, but that’s how you learn and build your life story. Open your mind to new things!

As always, if you have any questions email us at and check out everyone’s blogs this week: Adam, Sam, Ahmad, and Sebastian!!

See ya next week,



About the Author ()

Hey guys! My name is Emily Cambrola and I am a senior majoring in BME with a concentration in Biomechanics. I also am in the process of earning my minor in Music. I am a Peer Advisor for the CDC and I am here to share my thoughts and advice about the job search process! Be on the lookout for future blogging. Enjoy! (:

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