Jacqueline Ngo
Jacqueline Ngo's Latest Posts
Thanks for Everything and So Long!
On June 30, 2014, I walked into the Career Development Center nervous for my first day of my new job. I had never been in the CDC prior to my interview, and this was only my second time having stepped foot in the office, but I was eager to learn about the CDC’s services and […]
Changing for the Better
Hello again! Welcome to the class of 2020 and welcome back to all upperclassmen! To reintroduce myself, I’m Jacky, a senior double majoring in management and economic science and this is my second year as a Peer Advisor for the CDC. There are a lot of changes at WPI this year, through both physical changes […]
Get What You Deserve!
As college students, almost any salary above minimum wage is enticing because it is probably more than any salary we’ve ever had. However, it’s important to know your worth and to know if you’re getting what you deserve. Negotiating job offers sounds intimidating, but it’s certainly encouraged – for both internships and full time jobs. […]
Hidden Treasure at the CDC
Hello there! I hope everyone had a successful career fair yesterday. This time, there were 185 companies represented and over 2,000 students attended. Did anyone notice that Facebook was there? It shows you how awesome WPI is – in particular, it shows you how great the CDC is at developing relationships with employers. Now that […]
C-Term Job Hunt
Happy C-Term! Welcome back everyone. Hopefully you were able to recharge over winter break and you’re ready for a busy term. C-term, as we all know, is usually considered to be the toughest term of the academic year with the harsh weather, the lack of scheduled days off, and the overall work load. C-term is […]
Major Decisions (Pun Intended)
Hey everyone! Since the Discovering Majors & Careers (DMC) course is starting in a few weeks (WOOOH!), I thought I’d reflect on how I chose my majors. When submitting college applications, one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be in a mathematics field – specifically something using statistics because AP Stats […]
T-12 Days (For Sophomores at least)
Hello Everyone, I hope your midterms week is going well and that you still have time for the necessities (e.g., food, sleep and relaxing time). This is a tough time that comes around every quarter but as long as you tried your best, you should be proud of yourself! Although your grades are important, I […]
It’s Not Over!
Happy Fall Career Fair! For all those who attended the career fair today (which should be everyone), I hope you were successful and proud of the conversations you had. Even if you weren’t planning on getting an internship or full time job, career fairs are a great way to network and practice for when you […]
T-Minus 156 Hours Until the Career Fair
Hey Everyone, Thanks to all those who attended the Resume & Career Fair Tips workshop that Gianna and I presented last night. It was my first workshop and I’m really happy with how it went, hopefully you guys learned some tricks on how to prepare for the upcoming Career Fair and on how to improve […]
Hope You Had a Great Summer!
Welcome back and welcome class of 2019! To reintroduce myself: I’m Jacky, one of the Peer Advisors here at the CDC. This is my junior year and I’m a double major in Management and Economics – so for any students taking Intro Econ classes you might end up participating in my lab experiments for extra […]