Category: Video & Lecture Capture

Production Tools: Recording Your Lectures

Did you know that WPI has three tools that can be utilized for recording videos? Those tools are Echo360, Zoom, and Studio.     Like a choose-your-own-adventure, you may be wondering where to start. Asking yourselves these questions may help you decide. Q. Where are you producing these videos? A1. In the classroom? Use Echo360…Continue Reading Production Tools: Recording Your Lectures

Recording Videos in a Pandemic

Hello WPI Community! This post will cover options for creating educational videos during situations – such as the current COVID 19 pandemic – where it’s not possible to come to campus. WPI has two primary tools which allow for communication with students via video. One is Echo360 and the other is Zoom. Both of these tools…Continue Reading Recording Videos in a Pandemic

Lecture capture in WPI classrooms

What is Lecture Capture? Lecture capturing is a service offered through the Academic Technology Center at WPI. When you “capture” a lecture, you are recording and/or live streaming your lecture for students to view. Lecture capturing can be done in a WPI classroom or remotely, via software on your own computer. This blog post covers…Continue Reading Lecture capture in WPI classrooms

Embedding Videos with the New Rich Text Editor

Canvas recently upgraded its rich text editor. What this means for you is that if you are embedding Echo36 or Studio videos in pages, the look and workflow has changed slightly. Here’s what the row of buttons at the top of the rich text editor looks like.     You’re going to click on the…Continue Reading Embedding Videos with the New Rich Text Editor

Sharing Echo360 Videos as a Course-Relevant Collection

How do Echo360 videos integrate with your Canvas course? One easy way is through the Echo360 button on your left side course menu.     When you share a video to your course, they are accessible via this button, and appear as a list.     From here, students can download the videos they want….Continue Reading Sharing Echo360 Videos as a Course-Relevant Collection

Uploading Videos to Echo360 and Sharing

This blog shows you how to use Echo360 to upload and then share your videos. First we’ll cover how to upload a video. Then we’ll show you the different ways of sharing your video once it’s in Echo360. Uploading a Video File Sharing the Video Uploading a Video File You don’t need to use Echo360’s…Continue Reading Uploading Videos to Echo360 and Sharing

Embedding Video in Canvas Pages

If you want to embed your course videos into a Canvas page, you have three options. WPI currently uses Echo360 and Canvas Studio as video storage and creation solutions, and each offers different benefits. This post shows how to use each of those tools to embed video in a Canvas page. We will start with…Continue Reading Embedding Video in Canvas Pages

Student Projects with Universal Capture

This post explains how to use download Echo360 Universal Capture, how to record with it, and how to share a link to the recording. Downloading Universal Capture The first step is to click Echo360 on the left side menu-bar of the Canvas site.   Once you do this, you’ll see a gear wheel on the…Continue Reading Student Projects with Universal Capture