Back to Worcester

Filed in From the Staff by on September 3, 2010

Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog!
So I’m finally back in Worcester after quite a busy summer. Luckily I was able to use the CDC’s JobFinder to find a Mechanical Engineering internship.  I worked for a company near WPI that makes office furniture. (Fun fact: I’m pretty sure they made the new stations in the library!! It’s pretty cool to recognize something from your company.) At this point I don’t think it’s ideally what I want to end up doing – right now I’m think I’m most interested in the area of biomechanics and am currently working towards a concentration in that area-but it was an awesome learning experience. I got A LOT better at Solidworks which I think it will be really beneficial when I apply for other jobs in the future. I also realized how important it is for me to find a dynamic job that lets me do lots of different things within the engineering process instead of one area over and over. Overall it was a great experience.
In addition to working full time (with a very long commute) I went to a few Red Sox games, concerts, and the beach, and hung out with school friends, home friends, and family. It wasn’t a very relaxing summer, but definitely a lot of fun.
So now I’m back at WPI for my senior year (underclassmen, take note: college really does fly by so make the most of it), and, as usual, I’m super busy already. I kind of wish I had relaxed a little more before school started, but I’m really happy to be back and to see everyone again.
Unfortunately I’m not thrilled about the two classes I’m taking this term, but I’m really looking forward to starting my MQP (Major Qualifying Project). I just got my project and group today so I’m really excited! I’m going to be working in the Rehab Lab to make a device that attaches to the front of a bicycle so that a person would disabilities would be able to sit in it and enjoy the view as someone takes them on a bike ride. So kind of like this or this but the idea is that ours will be attachable to a regular bicycle. I’ll keep you updated.Well that’s it for now. I hope you enjoy your weekend and try to stay dry!

About the Author ()

Hi everyone! My name is Kelly and I'm from Andover, MA. I'm a senior in Mechanical Engineering, and it's my second year as a Peer Advisor for WPI's Career Development Center. I'm also in one of the sororities on campus, Phi Sigma Sigma, and a part of EPICS (Engineering Projects In Community Service). I'm going to be keeping you updated on my senior year and what I'm doing to figure out my life after college (jobs, grad school, etc). Enjoy!

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