Archive for February, 2013
What Is Networking? It’s Natural, Really; Or At Least, It SHOULD Be!

“I’m so bad at networking. I never know how to approach people, or talk to them; I don’t get how some people are so good at it.” If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone complain like this, well, I wouldn’t be rich, but I might be able to take them out […]
Calm Before The Storm: Your Spring Break Opportunity!

Most of my friends are the type who work hard in academics, on-campus activities, work-study positions, and juggle a social life on campus to top it all off. This doesn’t leave much time, if any, for an active job search. Even aiming to apply to 3 jobs per week on JobFinder can seem like a […]
OOPS, I missed the career fair…

Does that headline sound like you or someone you know? A lot of my friends and just people in general missed the career fair or large chunks of the career fair because of random last minute things such as being sick or having lab work that took too long. If you’re in that boat and […]
How to Fully Take Advantage of a Career Fair?

Hello everyone! Last week was an exciting time for everyone at WPI who were looking for internships and jobs. Students got all dressed up, ready to hand out their resumes and trying to think through how they are going to interact with the employers. While I was going in between tables at the career fair, […]
What Most People Don’t Do AFTER The Career Fair

You went to the Career Fair, got some great contact information, and feel pretty confident handing out those resumes. That’s awesome, good for you! What’s your next step? The biggest mistake that WPI students make in their internship or full-time job searches: they fail to recognize that job offers don’t pass the Career Fair tables […]
Should I Consider Applying to Grad School?
Hello everyone! As most of you already know, I’m a senior this year and currently in the process of looking for jobs and interviewing companies. Because I grew up in a big city and enjoy the social interactions and the unlimited options of such an environment, I was focusing my job search around hubs like […]
The Next Step Forward: Thoughts About Business Graduate School

“I think I’m going to go to grad school right after WPI. Why not get it all done at once?” To some, this kind of statement seems pretty sweet – especially with the five-year programs that WPI offers, and particularly because having a student mentality makes ‘getting it all done now’ seem like the most […]