Don’t Go Online Yet! Go To Information Sessions.
Most students in the week after the Career Fair are in the position where you’re being told, “go online to our Careers page and apply for jobs there.”

While you should still be active on your job search online, don’t forget the importance of in-person impressions!
And most students hate this answer!
It’s frustrating, skeptical, and leaves you with a feeling that any chance with that company stops then and there.
BUT: there’s hope!
An under-utilized but extremely valuable service that the CDC provides right here on campus nearly every week are Company Information Sessions.
They provide you with:
- A much better understanding of the company at hand,
- An opportunity to have a quality conversation with their staff on career interests, and
- A much more likely chance to leave with contact information as opposed to a Careers page handout.
Do yourself a favor and log onto JobFinder to add Company Info Sessions directly to your Outlook Calendar today.
There were 15 sessions listed when I logged on, which span the remainder of September into the end of October.
For more tips, tricks, and advice on how to find an internship or job, check out what Ahmad, Sebastian, Emily, and Sam have been saying!
Until next time,
Tags: Information Sessions, Job Finder