Archive for October, 2013

Term Planning For Career Interests

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 29, 2013 0 Comments
Term Planning For Career Interests

Alright, back to the WPI grind – classes, organizations, jobs, and…right! A social life.  With all of that coming up quickly and filling our Outlook Calendars, it might be tough to find time for applying to companies and job opportunities. But, by starting this week to create a term plan,that challenge becomes much more attainable. Here […]

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That Dress Is Too Fancy

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 25, 2013 0 Comments
That Dress Is Too Fancy

Hey! Did you ever write a cover letter??? (confused on why I titled about a dress? keep reading you’ll see) I wrote a cover letter over break! It was pretty difficult but I hope it ends up working out. Writing a Cover letter is an awesome way to show an employer just how sincere you […]

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Final Thoughts on A-Term

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 16, 2013 0 Comments
Final Thoughts on A-Term

Hey everyone ! Last blog of the term , can you believe A term is 2 days from being over? I’m sure we can all use any free time we have left to catch up on sleep or even study some more. The good thing is that the Career Development Center will be open during break, so you can take advantage […]

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Keeping Communication Until The Next Round

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 15, 2013 0 Comments
Keeping Communication Until The Next Round

The thought’s always on a student’s mind when he/she really wants that one internship or full-time position: “When should I follow up?” Furthermore, “HOW should I follow up?” While there are different answers to this question, here are a few steps that I have taken in the past, which have proven to be particularly helpful: […]

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Chase Your Passion

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 12, 2013 0 Comments
Chase Your Passion

One of the most popular questions people ask here is: “So, what’s your major?” But they don’t ask, “What made you choose your major?” or “How did you get to where you are now?” So I’m a BME major. That’s Biomedical Engineering for you acronym weak folk. That’s cool and all, but in the back […]

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0 for 1

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 11, 2013 0 Comments
0 for 1

Hey Blog buddies!!! There is just about a week left in A term and that’s a good thing. I can’t wait for break. I want to spend a bulk of my time looking for jobs. Of course, I am not pushing everything off until break.The fulltime job search is off and running. I have a […]

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Dream Big or Go Home

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 10, 2013 0 Comments

    The smell of coffee is eating the campus up, the smiles are all gone, and the campus seems to be holding its breath, finals are coming. There are so many things we’d like to do with our days. 24 hours, a few to sleep, 10 for school, 5 for extracurricular activities, and no time […]

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How To Make Strides On Fall Break

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 8, 2013 0 Comments
How To Make Strides On Fall Break

  As final project deadlines and exams approach next week, most students cannot wait for Fall Break!  I know I’m feeling that itch as well.  BUT!  A smart move would be to put aside a couple days in the Break that you can crank out more of your job search, whether it be for full-time or […]

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Countdown Begins

Filed in Life at WPI by on October 4, 2013 0 Comments

Hi Everyone, With less than two weeks left of A-term , I’m sure we’re all busy studying for exams, starting/finishing term projects , and even looking for jobs. So how to stay on top of all of these things? This is the best time to start prioritizing ! Reflect on what is more important to you. Check […]

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Free time??????? What to do with it?

Filed in Finding a Job by on October 3, 2013 0 Comments
Free time??????? What to do with it?

Hey! So like it’s pretty deep into A term. Some people are drowning in work, floating around in free time or somewhere in between. I know where I am and I know where I should be….. Get this… They’re not the same place. I am thinking I will kick it into high gear and start […]

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