Decide to Decide to Decide
Yes I’m going there, the forbidden topic of making decisions. But I’m not telling you to decide on the spot, the thing college students dread most, I’m telling you to decide to decide.
On Monday night there was a program called TLC for sophomores, and Sharon Wulf from the business department gave the closing remarks. She said a lot of amazing things, and I’ll probably discuss some of her advice on future blog posts. But the one thing that’s still echoing in my ears until now is Decide to Decide. Deciding to decide means you decide on something before it even comes up. You can also decide to make a specific decision to make the first decision come true.
This goes for both your life and your career. For example if you decide not to drink this year, then once the opportunity presents itself you won’t drink, because you’ve already decided not to drink. On the other hand if you decide you want to work for a certain company and sit at home doing nothing then it won’t come true. But if you decide you want to work for a company, and decide to walk into the CDC to learn more about them, or to go on their website, or go to an information session if the company is having one then you’ve decided to decide. But let’s take it a step further. If you take all those steps they still might not be enough, you need to decide to apply on the company website, to talk to the recruiters in the information session. Again otherwise your decisions are meaningless. You can also go into the CDC for a mock interview, and go to a workshop to learn how to introduce yourself to employers and how to network (which the CDC will have Dec 4th at 5PM in SL105).
All these things are helping you get the job you decided you wanted, but you also decided to take the first steps to make it happen, and then decided to take second and even third steps to make it happen. You decided to decide to decide.
And to sum it all up here’s a random quote:
“But if I decide to decide there’s a different, less selfish, less lonely point to my life, won’t the reason for this decision be my desire to be less lonely, meaning to suffer less overall pain? Can the decision to be less selfish ever be anything other than a selfish decision?”
― David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster and Other Essays
Have a wonderful weekend, and check out some of the other CDC blogs!
Tags: CDC Events