Tag: CDC Events

Interviewing Part 1: OCI

Filed in From the Staff, Interviewing by on October 9, 2015
Interviewing Part 1: OCI

Hey Everyone! You may have heard the term OCI many times and probably always wondered what that is? I don’t blame you, WPI has so many acronyms that we even have a website for it. It takes a while to remember a lot of them, but OCI is pretty important because it stands for On-Campus […]

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Transitioning to the Real World!

Filed in From the Staff, Networking by on April 23, 2015

Hey Everyone! I hope you enjoying this nice 3 – day week. Today I wanted give you some details about the workshop I attended last week, it was called Transitioning to the Real World. It was really for seniors who are about to graduate and go out to the real world on their own, but […]

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Worried that it is Too Late to Land an Internship? Well, Think Again!

Filed in From the Staff by on April 8, 2015
Worried that it is Too Late to Land an Internship? Well, Think Again!

Hey Everyone, Happy job hunting!! I just wanted to let all of you know about an awesome opportunity that came across me and probably the rest of you, the Worcester Region Career Fair! You can find all related information here: Worcester Career Fair This is the perfect chance for all of you still searching for an […]

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A Fantastic CDC Resource: Walk – Ins

Filed in From the Staff by on March 6, 2015
A Fantastic CDC Resource: Walk – Ins

Hey Everyone!! Before the end of C term, I just wanted to share another experience with you. This term I have been helping out with one hour of walk-ins every Friday for first-year students. It has been a wonderful experience and I cannot wait to do it more! I found out that I am very […]

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Welcome Back! Here’s to an Amazing 2015!

Filed in From the Staff by on January 21, 2015
Welcome Back! Here’s to an Amazing 2015!

Hey Everyone!! First of all, Happy New Year! Hope all of you had a fantastic break and ready to spring back into action for C term at WPI. I don’t know why, but winter break always seems so short and it goes by extremely quickly. I made sure to sleep a lot and I definitely […]

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Make More Money, Be More Valued!

Filed in From the Staff by on December 1, 2014
Make More Money, Be More Valued!

Hey Everyone! Today, I wanted to talk to you about job offers and salary negotiation. As a student at WPI, you know you are getting a great education, and because of a fantastic CDC, you also get multiple job interviews. Say you ace the interview, and you even get a job offer, now what? You […]

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Networking – Apple on WPI Campus

Filed in Finding a Job, Networking by on September 29, 2014
Networking – Apple on WPI Campus

Hey Everyone! Do you love Apple products from Macs to iPods to iPhones? Do you want to make an impact in the technology industry? Well, don’t look further, this is your chance. Apple is coming on the WPI campus this Tuesday, September 30th, from 5 – 8 pm in Riley Commons (Click to see flyer […]

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I Got 190 Problems but Finding A Job Ain’t One

Filed in Career Fair, Networking by on September 18, 2014

On a scale from 1 to Wow, the career fair yesterday was wow .With over 190 Companies finding a job, co-op and internship opportunities became significantly easier. It seemed like every student had a chance to work the career fair and create a relationship with employers. I personal created a short and precise list of […]

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Gianna’s Company Research Cheat Sheet

Filed in Career Fair by on September 16, 2014 0 Comments
Gianna’s Company Research Cheat Sheet

Hey everyone!!! A question a lot of my friends have been asking me is, “Gianna, how do you prepare for the career fair?” Well of course I get my resume critiqued, practice my elevator pitch and find something cute to wear (I got a new suit that I’m extremely excited about). But I also research […]

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Personality Alphabet Soup: ESTP, ENFP, ENTP

Filed in Life at WPI by on May 5, 2014 0 Comments
Personality Alphabet Soup: ESTP, ENFP, ENTP

What do those letters mean.. None of those are words and none of those spell my name but all of those describe me… That’s pretty cool right… Have you ever heard Myers-briggs type indicator (MBTI)? A lot of people call it a test but unlike your finals this doesn’t have a right or wrong answer. […]

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