Finding a Job
Utilizing Multiple Resources

Hey Everyone! I hope finals went well for all of you! Today I wanted to talk about some cool CDC resources you might not have known about and how you can combine multiple resources to your benefit. This is actually a little funny, but I didn’t know about some of these resources either, even thought […]
#tbt Throwback to the Career Fair
It’s Throwback Thursday so let’s look waaaaaay back to last Thursday and talk about the Career Fair! Last Thursday over 185 companies came to campus to chat with students about their jobs, their companies, and even possible employment opportunities! Since you’re reading this, I hope you went and now are looking for advice and […]
Holidays are the BEST!

Hey Everyone! I hope all of you are having a fantastic B term! I know it is probably stressful right now especially with finals coming up, but don’t forget that in 1 week, you will be FREE…from school work. Holidays are the best because it is a perfect time to relax, hang out with friends, […]
Getting Paid to Take Off School (kinda..)
Hi! It’s been too long friends! I know B term has been crazy for all of us but I hope you’re still thinking about internship or co-op opportunities. I’m currently hyped on caffeine and full of advice, so let’s do this! You might ask…. “Sooooo Matt, what’s the difference between a co-op and […]
Experiencing the On-Site Interivew

Hey Everyone! Hope finals week is going well for all of you, I can’t believe A term ends tomorrow! Today I wanted to talk to you about on-site interviews as I am on a train, coming back from mine. I know I am crazy to be going on an on-site interview during finals week, especially […]
Interviewing Part 1: OCI

Hey Everyone! You may have heard the term OCI many times and probably always wondered what that is? I don’t blame you, WPI has so many acronyms that we even have a website for it. It takes a while to remember a lot of them, but OCI is pretty important because it stands for On-Campus […]
The Information that Makes Cents (and dollars)
Hey Seniors! Do you know what you’re worth?? The CDC compiles a huge amount of information for graduating seniors, graduate students, and doctoral students to mainly figure out where they will be working and how much their making. Luckily, we write it up in a report and post it online! Our most recent […]
Company Info Sessions

Hey Everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and surviving midterms week (I’m making it through – slowly but surely). I don’t know about you all, but I am already ready for the weekend. I hope everyone had a successful career fair! I know I did! I always enjoy learning about different career opportunities there […]
The Time Is Now…

The time is now… right? I don’t have a watch that looks like that.. but if I did, I would be even more stressed and probably be late a lot. But let’s not be so literal. What I mean is, don’t let procrastination get the best of you during these busy weeks – especially with […]
How to Research! (Companies… not for a Paper…)
Hey guys! As we all know, the Career Fair is coming up soon and there is a lot of work to be done before we walk in that door and start shaking some hands! A huge aspect of working the Career Fair is researching companies. It is imperative to show your knowledge of […]