Assessing Greenhouse Feasibility
A Report to the Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara Hapū of Horohoro, New ZealandExecutive Summary Full Report Project AbstractThis project produced a feasibility report for a hydroponic greenhouse to the Ngāti Kea Ngāti Tuara Hapū of Horohoro, New Zealand that aims to utilize the excess electricity produced by the Māori community’s micro-hydro power system. To ascertain opinions on a greenhouse project and specific candidate crops, watercress and koura, the team interviewed and surveyed members of the hapū, restaurants, and consumers in nearby tourist hot-spot Rotorua. The report presents a series of flow charts, allowing the hapū to choose a greenhouse structure and technology. The project also addressed the micro-hydro system’s intake congestion and documented its maintenance. Technical reviews and participant observation allowed the team to recommend a floating boom to decrease the congestion. Student Team
SponsorVictoria University of Wellington Advisors