Developing Resilience Strategies in Cubuy-Lomas, Puerto Rico
Project Sponsors: Id Shaliah & Javier Valedón
Team Members: Abigail Holmes, Naisargi Mehta, Jack Perriello, Evan Wertz
Project Advisor: Professors John-Michael Davis and Alizé Carrère
Abstract: Cubuy-Lomas is a remote mountainous region of Puerto Rico vulnerable to increasingly severe natural disasters due to climate change. This project collaborated with Id Shaliah, a community-based organization, to conduct a rapid place-based resilience assessment to address community-defined issues. We conducted a literature review to create a seven-dimensional model of community resilience followed by 17 community interviews to understand post-disaster challenges and increase adaptive capacity. We fostered strategic partnerships and pathways to sustainably improve energy independence, water storage, communication, community awareness and funding challenges, which provided opportunities for the Cubuy-Lomas community to access much needed resources, including a $60,000 solar panel donation.