Analysis of Paraffin Stoves

Analysis of Paraffin Stoves

Cost Analysis of Paraffin Stoves

Cost Analysis of Paraffin Stoves

Currently, unsafe flame stoves cost between R60 and R70 whereas the safe stoves we found would cost between R150 and R200.  Though the safe alternatives are more expensive, we found that most residents are very interested in purchasing the stoves we presented because they are much safer than what they are currently using.  When lifted or tilted, the stoves self-extinguish.  They are also more efficient than the unsafe stoves, so residents will buy less paraffin every week.  By comparing how much is spent per week on current stoves to what would be spent with the safe stoves, we estimated that it would only take about ten or eleven weeks for the Arivi Stove to pay for itself.

By calculating how much energy is in paraffin fuel and having knowledge on the efficiencies of the paraffin stoves, we were able to complete a cost analysis of the different paraffin stoves, as shown in Table 1. From a phone call with a representative from Arivi, we learned that the current flame stoves are approximately forty percent efficient and that the Arivi Safe Paraffin Stove is sixty percent efficient. Meanwhile, the ParaSafe Stove is advertised to be forty percent more efficient than the current stoves. As Table 1 clearly shows, use of a flame stove is the most expensive because it is not very efficient. The Arivi Stove is the most efficient, so it will have a much smaller operating cost – allowing residents in Monwabisi Park to save about thirty-two percent of money spent on paraffin!

To see the cost/BTU calculations, click HERE [PDF].

Another in-depth comparison of the ParaSafe, Arivi, and current paraffin stoves can be found in Table 2.  Table 2 shows that there are benefits and drawbacks to each type of stove.  The biggest drawbacks to the Arivi and ParaSafe Stoves are their prices and possible maintenance problems, while the biggest drawbacks with the current stoves are their low efficiency and dangerousness. We, as well as most of the people we interviewed in Monwabisi Park, agree that safety outweighs the cost of the stoves, especially when the efficiency of the safer options will make them much more affordable over time.

Table 3: Paraffin Stove Comparison

Table 3: Paraffin Stove Comparison