Sources and References

Below is a complete list of all resources used by our team in compiling our background research, and completing our project. We hope these sources can be of use to other teams and individuals looking to become involved in similar work. Please always properly cite author and give credit when due.

Africa, D. T. a. I. R. o. S. “Financial Assistance.” Retrieved September 12, 2014, 2014, from https://

Africa, E. D. D.-R. o. S. (2014). “Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment.” Economic Development. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from

Alliance, S. A. S. (2012). “CORC.” Retrieved September 14, 2014, 2014, from

Alliance, S. E. (2014). “The Case for Social Enterprise Alliance.” What is Social Enterprise? Retrieved October 1, 2014, from https://

Capital, G. and I. L. Organization (2011). “A guide to finance for social enterprises in south africa.” A guide to finance for social enterprises in south africa. from

Corporation, I. F. (2014). “A Cooperative as a Business Entity.” Retrieved September 17, 2014, 2014, from

Dupas, P. and J. Robinson (2009). “Saving for Health Expenditures in Kenya.” from

Elwell, M., et al. (2013). “Welcome to Langrug.” Retrieved September 09, 2014, 2014, from

Harding, R. (2004). “Social Enterprise: The New Economic Engine?” Business Strategy Review15(4): 39-43.

Invested Development. (2012). How Informal Savings Groups Work, Invested Development.

Karlan, D. and B. Thuysbaert (2011). Evaluating Village Savings and Loan Associations in Malawi, Innovations for Poverty Action.

Ledgerwood, J. and S. Rasmussen (2011). “Savings Groups.” Retrieved September 10, 2014, 2014, from

Office, C. a. I. P. R. “How To Register a Co-operative.” Retrieved Septermber 10, 2014, 2014, from

ROLFE, R., et al. (2010). THE VIABILITY OF INFORMAL MICRO-ENTERPRISE IN SOUTH AFRICA. Conference on Entrepreneurship in Africa. Syracuse, NY

SOWETO (2014 ). “Somali Shop-Swap.” The Economist Middle East and Africa.

TAVENER—SIVIITH, L. (2012). “The challenge of informal settlements.” Sustainable Stellenbosch: 68.