Executive Summary

At the end of the entire project, students will prepare an Executive Summary as the principle synthesis of completed work. The executive summary and the project website combined substitute for the traditional IQP final report.

The executive summary will be the main way readers get a succinct overview of your project. It will also be prepared as a print report for formal submission through the WPI online project submission process, and as a chapter in the CTPC Annual Report that contains summaries of all projects each year.

To create a coherent story, most executive summaries will draw heavily on the weekly “Acts” and “Scenes” posts, through which a chronology of the major questions, challenges, milestones, insights, and accomplishments of the project will have been established. Beyond reflect, share, learn process discussion, the summary should also clearly articulate the project’s key outcomes, accomplishments, recommendations, etc.


Sample Executive Summary:  CTPC10 Spaza Executive Summary

Sample Executive Summary:  Project Executive Summary