Bryan Karsky

Name: Bryan Karsky

Major: Aerospace Engineering

Birthday: June 12th 1991

Hometown: Farmington, CT

Campus Clubs and Organizations: Not for Sale, Colleges against Cancer, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Admission Ambassadors

Hobbies: Going to concerts, playing guitar, singing, surfing/snowboarding

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Music Artist: Dave Matthews Band, Gorillaz, Counting Crows, Dawes, John Mayer

Favorite Movie: 50/50

Describe yourself in three words: Creative, thoughtful, devilishly handsome

Favorite Quotes: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” –Dr. Seuss

Why did you choose the Cape Town Project Centre? I choose the Cape Town Project Centre because the humanitarian based work that is done here truly affects people’s lives. I wanted to do a project that wouldn’t only help me to learn and grow but also leave a lasting impact in someone else’s life.

How has this project affected you? It helped me realize that you have to do what you really love in life, to always be truly humble and focus on what you really have rather than the things you don’t.

What is your most cherished Cape Town memory? My most cherished memory was our final presentation, seeing our sponsors and all the leaders of the Green Light Project talk about all the work they’ve done and how much they are doing, with the little amount of resources they have. Also after the presentation when we said our goodbyes all the praise and gratitude they gave us for the work we did with them was an amazing feeling.