Mission and Methods


By working with the University of Cape Town, the Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading Programme and the local residents, the WPI Stormwater Management Team has created a guidebook to address stormwater issues in Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha. The team has been focusing on the main road in C-Section to help the residents in and around this site to understand and prevent underlying causes of stormwater issues, which result in flooding damages.


The team has developed five main objectives for implementing a successful project:

1. Identify flooding hot spots along the selected C-section road (Method)

2. Determine interview methods to obtain accurate resident feedback regarding existing preventative techniques to identify what works and what does not work (Method)

3. Measure and model the spatial conditions of the hot spots (Method)

4. Generate alternative design ideas to be implemented in specific, appropriate sections of the C-section road (Method)

5. Produce a guide book outlining existing conditions and possible solutions and possible solutions to be implemented for use by the VPUU as well as a similar brochure to be used by the local residents (Method)

Stormwater Philosophy:

The Stormwater Management team has arrived at Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha with a vision to review stormwater management issues in a socially responsible way, to develop sustainable solutions to such issues, and to effectively propose said interventions to a greater authority such as the VPUU. Its hopes have been to leave Monwabisi Park, its residents, and the City of Cape Town with ample guidance and options in sufficiently addressing the stormwater management shortcomings so pronounced within the informal settlement of Monwabisi Park, Khayelitsha.