Expanding Early Childhood Development Opportunities in an Informal Settlement

Sustaining Little Paradise in Flamingo Heights: Expanding Early Childhood Development Opportunities in an Informal Settlement


The early years of a child’s life are vital to their cognitive, physical, and social development. The provision of quality Early Childhood Development (ECD) in South Africa requires the collaboration of multiple stakeholders. The aim of this project was to assist in the challenging process of both formalizing and obtaining financial support to ensure the continued operations of Little Paradise Educare Centre in Flamingo Heights, Lansdowne. Working with our sponsor, the Centre for Early Childhood Development (CECD), we were able to support the crèche’s governing body and the community in the lengthy government registration process, implement sustainable funding strategies, and provide a model for effective administration of an ECD centre.


Learn More

  • Background Research, conducted prior to arriving in Cape Town, discusses the importance of crèche regulations and registration, the challenges facing the ECD sector, community influence and involvement, and different financing and fundraising approaches
  • The planning behind our project can be found on the Planning page
  • Find out about our team and our partners on the Partnership page
  • Check out Important Interactions during our time here
  • The team’s findings are located on the Outcomes page
  • Find out more information and other resources on our Resources page
  • Read our Executive Summary and Final Presentation


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To Cite This Project:

Connors, J., Kocienski, K., Sheahan, M., & Velloso, M. (2015). Sustaining Little Paradise in Flamingo Heights: Expanding Early Childhood Development Opportunities in an Informal Settlement. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Cape Town Project Centre.