Chapter 7: How can MGV continue to develop through mutually beneficial relationships with neighbouring communities?

As our time at the Cape Town Project Centre was coming to a close, preparations were made for a final presentation.  This was an opportunity for communication between MGV and their neighbour, Oude Molen Eco-Village (OMEV), to develop.  OMEV has a variety of facilities including a swimming pool, an Eco-theatre, a youth play centre, and a café that would prove useful for the residents of MGV.  More importantly, MGV and OMEV share a vision for the future that encompasses education, community involvement, and sustainability.  Therefore, both of these communities have definite strengths and assets the other could utilise for growth and development.

Click to read a news story covering this presentation!

On 13 December, WPI’s OMEV and MGV teams both presented their project work and invited a discussion about how the two bordering communities could collaborate further to achieve their goals for the future. There were many people in attendance, including residents of both villages, representatives from the City of Cape Town, members of the press, etc.  We began our presentation to the group by introducing the concept of ABCD and how we have worked in partnership with our sponsors to apply these strategies to advance community development.  We then invited resident leaders to speak on behalf of the Green Light Project and its current initiatives.  This presentation provided an occasion for the MGV community to take pride in what they have accomplished, while sharing their successes with a wider audience.

The evening yielded stimulating conversation and active discussion into future teamwork between the adjacent villages.  Outcomes of the dialogue included a prominent member of the City’s Social Development department taking an active interest in MGV, the local press compiling an article in order to gain attention for the Green Light Project, and certain residents of OMEV becoming more invested in the community of MGV.  It is our hope that the work done in MGV will not only be sustainable, but that it will also inspire those in neighbouring communities to build upon their assets and achieve more than they ever thought possible.