
Overall Emthonjeni Programme

The recommendations below are taken from the Emthonjeni Proposal which we prepared for the VPUU and Sikhula Sonke.  This proposal, which can be viewed on our website, discusses in detail all necessary components of the Emthonjeni Outreach Programme. Within this document, our group makes several recommendations:

  • The creation of a network between all proposed Emthonjeni sites within the redevelopment plan from the VPUU.
  • Within the proposed network, each site is designed to fit together with the surrounding sights to create one coherent network.  Each outreach component as well as the equipment in each site fit together to provide well-rounded set of physical and educational activities to the children of Monwabisi Park.
  • Our Emthonjeni ideas are a starting point for other contributors to consider and expand upon.
  • Each Emthonjeni site should address all areas of development.
  • These Emthonjeni sites are not designed as a replacement to ECD centres, but as a complement to all ECD centres.
  • A survey should be conducted to determine the amount of funding currently going towards ECD in Monwabisi Park.
  • A financial model should be developed from the funding analysis that we began.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation must be completed in a manner which evaluates the effectiveness and impact of the programme while fostering community ownership pride in the development of each child as wells as the entire programme.

Pilot Emthonjeni Site Design

Our group was tasked to design one specific Emthonjeni site. This pilot site is located around a tap in C Section of Monwabisi Park and is featured in the VPUU’s ISUP.

The Emthonjeni Proposal outlines several designs that we have produced for this pilot site.  Our recommendations for this particular site are as follows.

  • The immediate neighbours of this site must be consulted as to the design of the Emthonjeni.  This is to ensure usage and ownership over the site from within the community.
  • We recommend that the pilot site contains at least the following components: archways, benches, community clothesline, chalkboard and shade.  A more detailed list of suggested elements is provided in our proposal.
  • Each site should contain an improved tap, drainage, and a wash basin to decrease children’s exposure to contaminated water.