
Explore the links below and find additional resources and documents used by our team. These resources include the proposal written for Khulisa, the project’s Executive Summary and planning guides.


Gardens of Life Proposal: A Lot for Everyone [pdf, 2.5 MB] is the proposal we developed for our sponsor, Khulisa Social Solutions. The proposal analyzes the current conditions of the lot and offers additional suggestions for the further development of the area.


Executive Summary [pdf, 1.9MB] provides an overview of the project, including key elements such as background research, challenges, objectives, process and outcomes.


Planning Guide [Excel, 280KB] contains an example template of the budget and assignments spreadsheets we used to organize our expenses and weekly tasks.


Questionnaire Sample [pdf, 44KB] has the questions used for an online questionnaire that was distributed to the people who parked on the Canterbury Street Lot’s area. These questions were also used in the informal interviews we conducted with the lot’s parkers, and focused on getting their ideas for the development of the region.