4. Hand Washing Station

Hand Washing Station


In order to encourage good hygiene around the toilet stalls, a hand washing station is also included in the facility designs. The sinks will consist of two basins with volume controlled, foot pedal operated faucets to limit wasted water. These sinks are also located in close proximity to the caretaker’s office, allowing for the caretaker to simultaneously act as repair man, overseer for vandalism prevention, and hygiene practices educator.

Water and Sanitation Sinks


Design Considerations and Specifications

  • Target Usage: 200 Users
  • Average Water used Per Wash: 1.5 Litres
  • Expected Daily Volume: 300 Litres
  • Station Location: Outside of caretaker office window

System Components

  • Sinks
    • Time controlled valves
    • Design foot pedal system for water release
    • Shallow basins that discourage improper usage (i.e. filling buckets)
  • Soap Dispensers
    • Liquid soap dispensers
  • Grey Water Collection
    • Runoff piped to primary grey water collection tank
  • Hygiene Reminder
    • Illustrative posters at eye-level on recommended practices (i.e. hand washing with soap)

Operational Plan

  • Station Maintenance: Caretaker to clean basins and faucets and replace soap as needed.
  • User Education: Caretaker to explain sink operation, encourage use of soap, and explain health benefits of hand washing.

Experimental Research Recommendations

Background Research & Discussion

When consulting the 2008 IQP and 2009 MQP recommendations for an integrated water and sanitation centre, the extreme importance of a convenient, monitored hand washing station was immediately illuminated. As improved sanitation and hygienic principles are at the forefront of our considerations, the provision of running water, basins, and hand washing soap is an essential component of our Sanitation Centre design.

The Dutch MobiSan Project in the nearby Pooke se Bos settlement also provided valuable recommendations for this hand washing station. Their hand washing services were integrated into an ongoing educational effort directed by the facility caretakers that aimed to improve the community’s understanding and appreciation of sanitary practices. The hand washing basins and taps were located directly in front of the caretaker window, maximizing the opportunities of the caretaker to explain hygienic principles and hand washing practices to facility users, and illustrative posters were also displayed on this window at eye-level as a constant reminder to the community.

To read more about the MobiSan Project, click here.

Toilets, Urinals, and Primary Waste Management – Composting & Pasteurization – Improved Taps – Hand Washing Station – Laundry Station – Grey Water Management SchemeCaretaker Office – Facility Perimeter –