
To reach our  goal of laying a foundation of ECD knowledge for the CTPC, we reached out to a number of different local stakeholders associated with ECD. In order to learn and grown throughout the prcess we utilized a Shared Action Learning (SAL) approach. According to the CTPC Website, SAL involves connecting, planning, acting, observing and reporting, while continuously reflecting, sharing and learning from each other and the stakeholders involved. With SAL at the forefront of out methodology, we moved forward with each aspect of our project.

Kiddies College Preschool

During our first week at Kiddies, our liaison, Ms. May, discussed the need to upgrade their current record keeping system. To begin, we observed how the system was utilized, and we discussed with them where they felt opportunities for improvement were present in their existing method. Then we worked directly with their principal to develop strategies to best fit their needs. In order to address these needs it was necessary to purchase Microsoft Office.  Utilizing SAL allowed us to implement solutions that were developed by Kiddies College in collaboration with our team, ultimately ensuring that these solutions would be utilized long after we leave.

DSCN6370 Observatory Community Centre: Home to Kiddies College Preschool.

The Langrug Community

To expand our understanding of ECD in the informal community setting, we travelled to Langrug, an informal settlement in Franchhoek. We began by visiting five informal local crèches and observed the limited availability of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) within these crèches. We met with a crèche owner and community leader named Nobathembu as well as caretakers of the WaSH facility. We discussed with them the importance of promoting the integration of WaSH ideas with ECD teaching methods. When talking to the caretakers, we discovered that the facility is a magnet for mothers and children which provided a wonderful opportunity to promote WaSH practices to children. Working together with Nobathembu and the caretakers, we upgraded the WaSH facility to create a space for children and encouraged their use of the facility.

langrug pic

Homes in the informal settlement of Langrug.

The Centre for Early Childhood Development

In order to expand our knowledge on the NGOs available for ECD in Cape Town we researched a range of organizations and discovered one prominent option. We met with the Centre for Early Childhood Development and discussed the services they offer and the possibility of connecting them with communities in need of assistance.