Scene 1: Meeting with Stephen


As planning for the project progressed, it became obvious that there would be a need for  a construction manager to be able to focus on the project and move it forward after the WPI teams depart.



The patio at the lodge


Cast of Characters:

Stephen Lamb – Stephen is a designer of Touching the Earth Lightly (TTEL). His company TTEL focuses on designing and building structures based on “food, fire, and flooding” principles in informal settlements.  He worked with a previous CTPC team.



Sarah from Flamingo Crescent



Stephen began by introducing himself and Touching the Earth Lightly (TTEL), his company, to the assembled students.  Stephen  showed us images of past projects that they had been involved in.  The potential funding TTEL could bring to the project hinges on the facility being an innovation center.

We then spoke about our projects. He was impressed by the work being completed in both Flamingo Crescent and in Langrug. We explained tour hope for his involvement moving forward, and Stephen expressed his support of our work.


Reflection and Learning:  

As the project term has rapidly come to a close, it has become increasingly obvious that we need someone to continue the project and manage it moving forward. Stephen’s knowledge in project management will be invaluable moving forward. We hope that this renewed partnership will help us while we continue to plan the next steps of our project.