Cast of Characters


The Vendors of The Month All Together

The Vendors of The Month All Together

Throughout our project, we worked closely with the staff and vendors of The Big Issue. Everyone we worked with were vital assets in advancing our project, giving us insight into challenges and helping us find solutions to many of them. As our project continued to advance and change, we received constant support from those who worked closely with us. Unfortunately at times we lost people we initially worked with, but we also gained very valuable partners from pleasant coincidences along the way. Though some characters were lost and gained, this page highlights everyone we worked with and how they interacted with our project. We could not have accomplished as much as we did without everyone we came into contact with. Thank you to everyone!

Meet our amazing Vendor Mentor Group.

Get to know The Big Issue’s Vendors of the Month.

Become acquainted with Chelsea, who essentially became our fourth teammate.

Meet our contacts at The Big Issue

Get to know other characters we interacted with along the way.

Continue to meet the Vendor Mentors.