Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Arivi, 2009.  The Safe Economical Stove.  From <>

Useful source.  This website had a lot of information that we used to write the section about the safe paraffin stove.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2009;87:700-706. DOI: 10.2471/BLT.08.057505.  From <>

This was a somewhat good source because it had some good data to use when writing about our health criteria with respect to alternatives we were discussing as well as pointing out problems with existing practices.

Cowan, W., & Mohlakoana, N. (2004). Income Related Aspects of Energy Use. Workshop on Energy Transitions, Cape Town, 18-20. From <>

This is a study completed in Khayelitsha by researchers from the University of Cape Town.  In the study are multiple useful data tables and charts regarding energy consumption and income specific to Khayelitsha.  This is extremely important background information.

Jacobs, Cindy.  Personal Interview.  18 September 2009.

This was a very helpful interview because we learned a lot about the tension between the City of Cape Town government and the residents of Monwabisi Park.  We learned of several very useful contacts/sources as well as the importance of accessibility and affordability of new alternatives.

Jiusto, J. S., & et al. (2008). Envisioning Endlovini — Options for Redevelopment in Monwabisi Park, Cape Town, South Africa (1st ed.). Worcester, MA: Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Retrieved from <>

A vital source for this project.  It has specific information relating to our project.  There is a lot of great information about the existing practices in Monwabisi Park.  This is the book with the projects from last year, and without it we would have to start back at square one.

Karekezi, S. (2002). Poverty and Energy in Africa—A Brief Review. Energy Policy, 30(11-12), 915-919. DOI: 10.1016/S0301-4215(02)00047-2

Very useful source.  This report explains several options for energy other than solar power, and talks specifically about household energy in Africa, which is a huge topic for our project since we need to develop a safe method of cooking within the new buildings.

Palmer Development Group. (2007). State of Energy Report: City of Cape Town 2007., Accessed 2009, from Documents/StateOfEnergy_Report_2007_v2.pdf

Extremely useful source.  It has a lot of data about specific energy use in South Africa and Cape Town.   It summarizes the use and even offers suggestions to improve upon energy use methods by pointing out specific problems.  Since it was completed in 2007, it is very current information which is also very important for our report.

Pimentel, M., & Pimentel, W. (2005). A Land of a Thousand Hills. <>

Good case study.  This is a useful example of a new cooking system being implemented in settlements in Rwanda.  In this project, the three main cooking methods were solar cooker, rocket stove and the peacemaker which is similar to the hay-basket.  It serves as inspiration for a possible solution to the issue of cooking in Monwabisi Park.

Readymade of South Africa.  From <>

This was a good source that we used to gain a better understanding of the safe paraffin stove.

SANS 1906 Safety of Non-Pressure Stoves and Heaters, First Ed 1998, Pretoria. From < >

This is a very useful source because it has a lot of information about how to develop safe paraffin appliances, which was a big topic of discussion in our project proposal.

Ward, S. (2008). The New Energy Book for Urban Development in South Africa . South Africa: Sustainable Energy Africa.

Extremely useful.  Sarah Ward, who works for the City of Cape Town, wrote this book which covers many of the issues we are currently considering.  A good amount of useful data about energy conditions in the informal settlements was obtained from various chapters of the book.

Wareham, R. (1999). The Features and Qualities Necessary for the Acceptance, Manufacture and Distribution of Large Quantities of Solar Cookers, 2009, from <>

Extremely useful.  On this website are many designs for how to make a solar cooker as well a interesting discussion of the use of the ovens.  This serves as one of the main sources for solar cookers.